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Noua Revistă de Drepturile Omului (The New Journal of Human Rights, NRDO) is a quarterly publication edited by the Center for International Studies in collaboration with Pavesiana Publishing House. It was established in 2005, as a continuation of the Romanian Human Rights Review (Revista Romana de Drepturile Omului) (1993-2005). It is peer-reviewed and indexed in the international databases EBSCO, CEEOL, IndexCopernicus and DOAJ. The quarterly publishes studies on the theory and practice of human rights. Along its STUDIES section, NRDO includes a DOCUMENTARY section and a MISCELLANEA section, the latter dedicated to essays on law, book reviews, and translations into Romanian of famous essays on law or philosophy. In the ECtHR JURISPRUDENCE section we include an in-depth presentation of one or two ECtHR cases and a review of the ECtHR jurisprudence of the previous quarter. Noua Revistă de Drepturile Omului has been over time a valuable source for institutions and organizations involved in watching over, researching and promoting human freedom.

Noua Revistă de Drepturile Omului promotes the reconciliation between the principle of human dignity and the principle of human freedom. In the editors’ view, not only is the reconciliation of these two values possible, but dignity and freedom actually strengthen each other.

Noua Revistă de Drepturile Omului is an open access journal; articles in electronic format can be downloaded without charge on the NRDO site.

I The Editor

Noua Revistă de Drepturile Omului / The New Journal of Human Rights (NRDO) is a quarterly publication of the Center for International Studies in cooperation with Editura Pavesiana. Editura Pavesiana is responsible solely for the layouting, publishing and distribution of NRDO, while the entire responsibility for the contents rests with the Editor.

II The Board

The members of the Scientific Board of the New Journal of Human Rights are:

Prof.univ. Gabriel Andreescu
Prof. univ. Lucian Bojin
Lect.univ. Diana Botău
Prof.univ. Aurora Ciucă
Gelu Duminică, director executv Fundaţia Agenţia dezvoltare comunitară "Impreună"
Prof. univ. Rodoljub Etinski
Csaba Zoltán Novák, Președintele Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale
Prof.univ. Jean-François Renucci
Prof.univ. Florin Streteanu
Prof.univ. Frédéric Sudre
Prof.univ. Ineta Ziemele

The Director of the New Journal of Human Rights is Gabriel Andreescu, PhD. in Political Science, Professor at the Doctoral School of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of the West University of Timisoara, founder of APADOR-CH, founder and president of the Centre for International Studies, founder of the Solidarity for Freedom of Conscience association. He has received numerous awards, among which: Knight of the National Order "Steaua României", Petöfi Prize for the Freedom of People in Central Europe (Century XXI Foundation/Budapest), Pro Minority (Government of Hungary) and the Human Rights Monitor prize (Human Rights Watch din S.U.A.)

III. Collaborators and supporters

Since 2006, NRDO has worked with the National Council for Combating Discrimination. For the past several years, the New Journal of Human Rights has been published with the financial support of Plastics Bavaria Equipment & Systems srl.