Contents Nr 2, 2008
Dan Claudiu Dănişor, Reflections on the Constitutional Regulation of Restrictions on the Exercise of Specific Rights and Liberties
Corneliu-Liviu Popescu, The Fascist Public Discourse of Foreign Affairs Minister Cioroianu and the Complicitous Passivity of the Public Authorities
Mihail C. Barbu, Dana Barbu, The Ability of Orthodox Clergy under Recent Acts to Exercise Their Rights as Subjects of Procedural Law
Valentin Constantin, Some Notes on Voiculescu v. Romania
Gabriel Andreescu, The Bucharest Court of Appeals on Freedom of Religion
CNCD Decision on the Differential Taxation of Cars with High-capacity Engines
CNCD Decision on Directorial Positions in Education
CNCD Decision on the Refusal to Grant the Title of a University Professor
CNCD Decision on Music School Students Taking National Standardized Tests
The Council for Human Rights Decision of 28 March 2008: A Serious Threat to Freedom of Expression
Diana Olar, Comments on July and Sarl Libération v. France şi Saygili et alii v. Turkey
Lon L. Fuller, Positvism and Fidelity to Law: A Reply to Professor Hart