Rezumat Nr 2, 2021
Dezideriu Gergely, Recent case law of the European Court of Human Rights on the violation of Article 14 of the Convention and the status of cases against Romania
Rezumat: This article provides an overview of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, in particular finding Article 14 violations of the Convention. Starting from the jurisprudential landmark cases regarding the interpretation of the notion of discrimination, it analyses, in a comparative plan, the forms of discrimination recognized in terms of European legislation and reflected in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights: direct and indirect discrimination, harassment and instruction to discriminate, multiple discrimination and discrimination by association.
The table of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in the last two years is elaborated graphically and presented in detail as per cases where a violation of Article 14 of the Convention has been found in the case of Romania, consistent with the execution of judgments and the state of the supervision process in all these cases. Relevant aspects are pointed out where Romania must resolve pending issues within the terms provided by the Council of Europe’s Department for the Execution of Judgments.
Finally, a selective summary of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights adopted between January and June 2021 are outlined, summarizing the most important aspects of the jurisprudence, for are of non-discrimination.
Cuvinte cheie: direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment, European Court of Human Rights, jurisprudence, Article 14
Cristian Nuică, Legal considerations concerning Case C-163/20, CP foreign
Rezumat: This article seeks to find answers to the question referred for a preliminary ruling in the case of Case C-163/20, PC CP, pending before the Court of Justice of the European Union.
The purpose of this article is to present legally reasoned opinions on the subject-matter of the reference for a preliminary ruling and to show whether it is discriminatory to reduce the family allowance specific to raising minors in the case of migrant workers in Austria but whose minor children reside in the State whose citizens they are.
Following the legal analysis, the author concludes that the situation described is discrimination, and the answer to the question referred should be in the affirmative, namely that EU law prohibits the application of a national law which diminishes the specific family allowance for raising children in in the case of migrant workers who are in the territory of the Austrian State but whose minor children reside in the territory of the State of which they are nationals.
Cuvinte cheie: Case C-163/20, CP foreign, Austria, European Union, Court of Justice of the European Union; the principle of non-discrimination, migrant workers
Gabriel Andreescu, Ciudățenia opiniei disidente în cauza Tőkés c. României
Rezumat: Decizia CEDO din 27 aprilie 2021 în cauza Tőkés împotriva României, reprezintă un episod cheie în „războiul steagurilor” desfășurat de la începutul anilor 1990 până astăzi. Pe urma acestei evaluări, studiul se concentrează asupra observațiilor Agentului guvernamental, punând în evidență preluarea de către el a tezelor antiminoritare care au dominat politica postdecembristă a statului român și interpretarea distorsionată a unor recomandări și convenții pe care România le-a promovat și la care a aderat. A fost analizat conținutul opiniei disidente la decizia CEDO din 27 aprilie 2021, adoptată de judecătoarele Iulia Antoanella Motoc și Gabriele Kucsko-Stadlmayer. Această opinie reinterpretează ce a stabilit majoritatea judecătorilor europeni și propune cum ar trebui să (nu) țină cont instanțele interne de ce a decis Curtea de la Strasbourg în cauza Tőkés c. României - o incitare la încălcarea poziției CEDO de către autoritățile românești. Coroborarea comportamentelor instituționale, de la nivelul polițiilor și parchetelor locale până la interfața statului român cu organizațiile internaționale (Agentul guvernamental, judecătoarea trimisă de statutul român la CEDO) este interpretată ca expresia unui „antimaghiarism sistemic”.
Cuvinte cheie: László Tőkés, CEDO, Agent guvernamental, Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Gabriele Kucsko-Stadlmayer, antimaghiarism sistemic