Rezumat Nr 3, 2024
Gabriel Andreescu, Represiunea grupărilor care promovează „erotismul sacru”. Un exercițiu colectiv al cruzimii, disprețului și ipocriziei
Rezumat: The study makes a systematic analysis of human rights violations in the case of groups that follow “sacred eroticism” practices in Romania, Italy, Czech Republic, Argentina and France. A source of the study was the panel “Militarized raids and the rebirth of brainwashing theory - Emic and ethical perspectives”, part of the CESNUR Conference in June 2024, and the investigations made over decades by CESNUR researchers and their collaborators. I made a synthesis of those Police actions in Romania, Italy, Czech Republic, Argentina and France against groups practicing sacred eroticism whose brutality reached the level of inhuman and degrading treatments. I asked whether the suspicion towards new religious movements by state authorities is legitimate. I argued why the negative emotions inspired by the “strange” beliefs of the new religious movements cannot constitute a criterion for repression or discrimination against them. I have shown that the test of the social legitimacy of new religious movements is the status of children, their rights and the principle of the best interests of the child. I have brought into discussion a recent phenomenon that motivates a reasonable fear: the intersection of new religious movements with politics. In this context, I have made some considerations regarding the conspiratorial and political “drifts” of MISA.
A subchapter of the study was dedicated to the current debate on mental manipulation, psychological dependence and brainwashing in the case of adults whose medical tests do not challenge their discernment. I have proposed the relevance for this subject of the jurisprudence on the condemnation of proselytism. I have followed the stage of the debate within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on “illegal activities of sects/ cults” and their teachings.
I have considered it of primary importance to draw attention to the marginalization of the issue of discrimination against people who practice sacred eroticism. I have presented arguments why denial of autonomy is the primary criterion for challenging discernment. I have elaborated on the idea that not recognizing the discernment of persons endowed with discernment is a denial of their human dignity. I have finally appreciated that the brutal repression of groups that follow “sacred eroticism” constitutes a collective mobilization of cruelty, contempt and hypocrisy.
The conclusion is the need to assist the battle for justice which is now being fought in France using the arguments elaborated in this study. On November 23, 2023, several ashrams in Paris and Nice were targeted by police raids, several yogis living there were detained and legal proceedings were opened against them. I have finally underlined the need for lawsuits brought by the victims against the abusive institutional and individual perpetrators.
Cuvinte cheie: erotism sacru, yoga, razii ale politiei, tratament inuman sau degradant, brainwashing, manipulare mentala, discriminare, CESNUR, MISA, Atman, Guru Jára, BAYS.